• Hi! We are Joe & Shannon Terrell, and we've been married for almost 7 years. Here's a quick love story summary!

  • Shannon met Joe in 2014. Joe met Shannon in 2015. We fell in love quickly and knew we were going to love each other forever..

  • Joe proposed to Shannon on a snowy, winter day in her favorite place, Yosemite National Park

  • We got married in May 2016, and had to plan a new wedding 36 hours before our ceremony.

  • We went to Banff, Canada for our honeymoon, and we would love to go back sometime soon!

  • Over the years, we've traveled to several new countries and revisited some familiar locations.

  • We built a successful wedding business (which is Shannon's full-time job)

  • We moved to Colorado in 2019 and have loved every minute of living in this incredible state.

  • We are so excited to see what 2023 will bring.

We started the Trekking Terrells to document our travels and share our photography with others. Travel has been a major part of our lives with our families, like Shannon camping and hiking in Yosemite and Joe traveling with his family to the Tetons. It is our love language together, exploring a different places, tasting new foods, experiencing new smells and sights, and sharing it together.


  • Iceland. Traveling through the "land of ice and fire" is as close as I'm going to get to visiting an alien planet.

  • I'm probably biased, but I love Colorado. Telluride and Ouray are must-sees.

  • Oh, this is tough because I read A LOT. At the moment, The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon or House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski.

  • Currently*

    Children of Men.

    TV Show:

  • Reading, hiking, adventuring, and writing.


  • Austria! I wish I owned a camera when I studied abroad there, but maybe I’ll make a guide with my recommendations and some stock images until I can go back.

  • Oh, it’s tied between Yosemite National Park and the Telluride/Ouray, Colorado region.

    I haven’t been to Alaska or Glacier National Park, but I bet they would make this list. They look amazing.

  • “The Moth Presents All These Wonders: True Stories About Facing the Unknown”

    “The River” by Peter Heller

    “The Wisdom of Your Body” by Hillary McBride

  • Currently*

    Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

    TV Show:

  • Morning coffee watching the sunrise, chasing severe thunderstorms, hiking in wildflower meadows, hosting dinner parties, and making flower crowns.

Our Jobs

We don’t travel full-time, but we travel often by using all our vacation days to go somewhere, utilizing our credit card points, extend our work trips to explore the area, and tend to use our holiday/birthday requests to be put towards a trip together. We certainly enjoy travel way more than tangible items, and thankfully our families are the same way.


We’ve been operating our wedding business (officially) since 2016. I photograph weddings, couples, families, maternity, honeymooners, etc. I hope to branch out into brand + travel work in the coming years!

If you are interested in any photography content (your wedding, vacations, family, business, etc.) Reach out to me!


Instrument of Mercy is a Christian blog written by Joe. Unlike most blog sites, the articles on Instrument of Mercy are a little different. You’re not going to find any “day-in-the-life” posts or angry reactions to the news. Instead, you’ll find in-depth and long-form articles exploring some of the most complex and controversial issues in church and culture.

These articles are long because the topics I choose to cover deserve an ample amount of research, respect, and exposition. Each article on this site represents a personal journey I undertook to make sense of the world and my faith. Read some of my work here!